Dan Chen

Dan Chen. Photo: DD Cai

Dan Chen, Founder of Galerie Nadan, about the wondrous experience of life and how to navigate it.

What are you working on at the moment?
I am currently working on Antoni Starczewski’s new exhibition, which will open in September. 

Do you have a daily ritual?
Thinking and concentration exercises. By imagining a simple, man-made object (in my case, a match), I practice how to achieve concentration not through memory, but through inner presence and the ability to search for an idea.

What do you listen to while working?
I don’t listen to music when I’m working. In moments of inspiration, I can hear the music of the great artist Naná Vasconcelos playing in my head.  

Which book do you like to gift?
From Normal to Healthy by Georg Kuhlewind.

Which art work would you like to have at home?
One and Three Chairs‹ by Joseph Kosuth. 

Your favourite exhibition venue in Berlin? 
C/O Berlin. 

What accessory or object could you not be without?
My notebook. 

What keeps you going?
The wondrous experience of life, of going through it deeply and continuing to develop. My own self? 

Who would you like to meet?  
Ai Weiwei. But I met him last week. 

What do you look forward to after you’ve finished work?
If it does exceptionally happen, I look back and think: it is good this way.