Patricia Belli

Patricia Belli

Skeletons, true crime and coffee — Patricia Belli gives us an insight into her everyday work routine.

What are you working on at the moment?
Skeletons and textiles, separately; also looking at printed fabric: image and surface… editing photos to see what it would mean to print images of the skeletons on fabric and modify it afterwards. Considering how the world, as we know it, is coming to an end before our eyes, and we keep on living casually, pretending the future is beyond the horizon. 

Do you have a daily ritual?
Breakfast is my ritual. First thing is to heat water for coffee. Meanwhile I chop and blend vegetables for a green smoothie. At least three of the ingredients are planted in my backyard: spinach, bell peppers, and lemons. Going out to the garden to pick greens is a big morning pleasure. After drinking the smoothie, I prepare something hearty, for example rice and beans, eggs and tortillas, with coffee. Then I eat slowly while scrolling the news on my phone. Do the dishes, have a second cup of coffee, go to the studio, write down the day’s tasks and start working. After that, everything goes crazy in the most unexpected ways.

What do you listen to while working?
Podcasts about mythology, history and of course, true crime. 

Which book do you like to gift?
I gift reference books according to the taste or trade of the person, like cookbooks or dictionaries. As per sitdowntoread, I’d rather circulate books from my collection. One of my favorite books to lend is  Creation Myths‹  by Marie-Louise von Franz.  

Which art work would you like to have at home?
Goya’s Los disparates.  

Your favourite exhibition venue in Berlin?
Tieranatomisches Theater. 

What accessory or object could you not be without?
My notepadto keep track of my thoughts, things to look up, todo lists, nice words, and random ideas. 

What keeps you going?

Who would you like to meet? 
My mother when she was a little girl 

What do you look forward to after you’ve finished work?
A detective series marathon.