Slavs and Tatars

© Slavs and Tatars

Keeping the bitterness away with strongly brewed tea—Slavs and Tatars on their upcoming projects.

What are you working on at the moment?
We’re preparing two institutional exhibitions for 2025, at Staatliche Kunsthalle BadenBaden and FRAC des Pays de la Loire, revisiting Broodthaersseminal Musée d’Art Moderne, Département des Aigles from a Eurasian perspective 

Do you have a daily ritual?
Drink lots of strongly brewed tea from a samovar 

What do you listen to while working?
Purring of studio cat, Zorza. Barking of Milosz, our dog 

Which book do you like to gift?
Mots d’Heures Gousses Rames by Luis d’Antin van Rooten. 

Which art work would you like to have at home?
Anything by Lin May Saeed 

Your favourite exhibition venue in Berlin? 

What accessory or object could you not be without?
A samovar.  

What keeps you going?
Keeping the bitterness as far away on the horizon as possible 

Who would you like to meet?  
The legendary German Islam scholar Annemarie Schimmel.  

What do you look forward to after you’ve finished work?
A good night’s sleep.