Tracey Snelling

Tracey Snelling. Foto: Dale Grant

From Kottbusser Tor to Japanese love hotels — Tracey Snelling’s answers to our questionnaire inspire you to travel around the world.

What are you working on at the moment?
I’m working on my upcoming exhibition at Haus am Lützowplatz (opening 11 SEP 2024), building a sculpture of the housing complex Vele di Scampia at Napoli and another of the Berlin KitKatClub, among other things. I’m also planning a possible solo exhibition in Shanghai, and working on a multimedia/VR exhibition about Kottbusser Tor entitled Sessions Kotti | Berlin, Open City (opening JAN 2025). 

Do you have a daily ritual?
I wake up and either meditate or go to the gym. Or lay in bed and debate which one to do.

What do you listen to while working?
I listen to rap, soul, indie music and podcasts. Soon German talk radio to try to absorb the language. 

Which book do you like to gift?
I bought some amazing books in Tokyo that I would gift if I had more copies. One is a catalogue of an exhibition of prints of ghosts and demons (Yokai) at the Sumida Hokusai Museum. The other is a book of love hotel images called Image Club by Kyoichi Tsuzuki. I first saw this book in 2016 and it inspired my project on Japanese love hotels. 

Which art work would you like to have at home?
I would like a LuYang video and one of the older photos by Philip-Lorca diCorcia. I also love Wim Wenders’ photos from the Paris, Texas series.

Your favourite exhibition venue in Berlin?
There are so many great art spaces here, but I have the best memories from working with the Berlinische Galerie.

What accessory or object could you not be without?
My camera, especially when I’m travelling.

What keeps you going?
Hope, good friends, family, art, travel.

Who would you like to meet? 
David Lynch, Missy Elliott, Rick Rubin, Christoph Büchel.

What do you look forward to after you’ve finished work?
Going out with friends or relaxing on my sofa. Eventually my bed.