Ambasada Kultury (BY)

Valentina Kiselyova & Anna Chistoserdova

For this special program Ambasada Kultury invites four Belarusian artists to present videos on the ›Playlist‹ and live at Haus der Statistik (Haus C), Otto-Braun Str. 74, 10178 Berlin.
Invited artists: Zhanna Gladko, Aleksander Komarov, Marina Naprushkina, Sergey Shabohin

Valentina Kiselyova and Anna Chistoserdova
From 2004 till 2009 – the founders of the gallery ›PODZEMKA‹.
From 2009 till 2020 – director and curator of the gallery of contemporary art ›Ў‹
From 2021 founders of Ambasada Kultury.

›Werewolf‹, Video-Loop / 2021 by Aleksander Komarov

In a land of forgotten corners, creepy and mysterious places—abandoned villages where life once thrived, old cemeteries, chapels, abandoned towns and hospitals. Every year they fall into more and more disrepair. They are neither repaired nor demolished. They have come to have similar features, characteristics. Their style has come to be considered ›without style‹, although neoclassical features are still visible—columns, pilasters, moldings, carved decorations on the façade, a combination of beauty and props. Their appearance repels and attracts. They have the power to transform overnight.

›Return Of Lilith. Winter Solstice‹ / Video 04’15”, 2021, by Zhanna Gladko

Music: Julia Mihaly

The Winter Solstice was celebrated in many cultures as the birthday of the sun and the beginning of the New Year. It was believed that this day symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, and it was on this night when the miracle happened—the birth of a new sun. At this time, the border between the world of people and the otherworldly forces almost disappear. The winter solstice marks the beginning of a new cycle.

The video was shot on December 21, 2020 during the artist’s residency in NAC / Nida, Lithuania.

Practices of Subordination cycle: Score 1—8 parts‹ / 2021 by Sergey Shabohin’s collaboration with composer Christoph Ogiermann

The composer Christoph Ogiermann (DE) created 18 compositions for each of the 18 parts of the total archive score of the ›Practices of Subordination‹. Sergey Shabohin combined music and fragments of the archive in 18 videos

Watch the other videos here

ABA x Playlist Berlin Art Week

For the Berlin Art Week a special program composed by Aleksander Komarov, Julia Herfurth, Susanne Kriemann

Invited guests: Ambasada Kultury (BY), Alfatih (CH), CMMC (BE/NL), Magali Dougoud (CH), Elena Francalanci (IT), Zhanna Gladko (BY), Vanessà Heer (CH), Aleksander Komarov (BY/DE), Rhona Mühlebach (CH/UK), Marina Naprushkina (BY/DE), Stéphanie Rosianu (CH), Sergey Shabohin (BY), Soundtrackcity (NL)