Ansicht der Fassadenarbeiten von Folke Köbberling: living elements und HEXAGON (in Zusammenarbeit mit Alexa Kreissl), nGbK 2023, Foto © Nihad Nino Pušija
Festival Centre Talk / Lecture

Climate Talks

Talks at BAW Garten in cooperation with Gallery Climate Coalition, neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) and Monopol | Magazin für Kunst und Leben

In collaboration with partners from the Berlin art world, Berlin Art Week presents a diverse programme exploring subjects such as sustainability, art, and society. The partners will bring exciting guests from the cultural landscape to the stage. Berlin Art Week will also be presenting the Climate Talks for the fourth time this year:

WED 11 SEP, 4—5.30pm
Digital and environmentally conscious: sustainability and preservation issues in digital art
in cooperation with Gallery Climate Coalition

Today, every single search query, every streamed video and every type of cloud computing, executed billions of times, is responsible for ever-increasing global demand for energy and thus also for increasing CO₂ emissions. How is digital art and all parties involved dealing with this challenge? How can artists, collections, museums, and galleries find a sustainable approach in the production, display, and preservation of digital artworks? The GCC Berlin/Germany hosted panel at Berlin Art Week 2024 will delve into dialog surrounding digital art, weighing the potential benefits of the digital presentation of artworks against their hidden complications and impacts. Andreas Greiner, artist and professor of media art at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel, pulls from his own experience traversing the often surprising impacts and considerations when creating and presenting digital art to elucidate and open up points of discussion for the panelists.

A conversation with Diane Drubay (Founder We Are Museums and Blueshift), Dr. Anna Schäffler (Art historian and preservation specialist), Clara Runge (Curator ZKM Karlsruhe), Dr. Theresa Schubert (Independent artist and researcher), Andreas Greiner (Artist and professor of media art at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel)

Moderation: Kim Kraczon (Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, sustainability specialist (independent / Ki Culture / GCC Berlin))

in English

THU 12 SEP, 4—5.30pm
Green Flags at Art Institutionswhere Does Sustainability Start?
in cooperation with neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK)

Inspired by the funding programme ›Fonds Zero‹ of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes for the translocal research and exhibition project ›Salt. Clay. Rock.‹ (30 NOV 2024—9 FEB 2025), nGbK seeks to reduce their climate impact in future, exploring sustainable means of production and institutional structures. This conversation will explore challenges and goals on the way towards greater sustainability from an artistic, curatorial, and institutional perspective.

A conversation with Ana Alenso (artist nGbK exhibition ›Salt. Clay. Rock.‹), Folke Köbberling (artist nGbK façade work at their new location), Annette Maechtel (managing director nGbK), and Elie Peuvrel (climate officer nGbK), Vincent Schier (nGbK work group ›Salt. Clay. Rock.‹)

in German

FRI 13 SEP, 4—5.30pm
Green Deal for Culture. Transformation now: sustainability in practice
in cooperation with Monopol | Magazin für Kunst und Leben

The cultural sector would like to increase its resource efficiency to make its contribution to the ecological transformation of society. But is progress being made in this direction? What has been the experience of artists and institutions? What funding instruments are useful, and how can private and public programmes contribute to an ecological restructuring? This panel, featuring artist Antje Majewski, Jakob Sylvester Bilabel from the state-funded Aktionsnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeit, and Stephan Muschick, managing director of the E.ON Stiftung, will focus on these issues, with discussion leader Elke Buhr, editor-in-chief of Monopol.

in German


More Dates at BAW Garten