Artists of House of Kal Karachi at a workshop in the mangroves with Karachi LaJamia (Karachi Anti-University), 2021.

In Hindi-Urdu-Bangla, ›kal‹ means both yesterday and tomorrow. House of Kal is a nomadic place for listening, music and movement, and a living archive of anticolonial art and community in the making. In the fall of 2023, a sound archive and an exhibition connect queer habitats in Colombo, Karachi and Berlin. The House of Kal takes shape despite the persistence of deadly border regimes, displacement, racism, extraction and war. Under these conditions, what imperfect solidarities and dissonant belongings can we imagine?

nGbK work group: Aziza Ahmad, Promona Sengupta and The Many Headed Hydra (Aziz Sohail, Suza Husse, Emma Wolf Haugh)

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Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst Termine