Marianna Simnett, WINNER, (film still), 2024. Super 16mm film transferred to video

On the occasion of Berlin Art Week 2024, Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart is presenting a selected sound festival that will take place in various areas of the museum such as the Garden, the Historic Hall, the Forum and the newly opened Rieckhallen. The starting point for the festival is the art collection of the Hamburger Bahnhof as well as the current exhibitions, which feature numerous artists who deal with the border area of music and art. At the same time, the sound programme builds on the interdisciplinary approach that the museum has pursued since its foundation. Concerts with the artist Naama Tsabar and performers in the Kleihueshalle, a performance by Lydia Lunch, icon of the punk/postpunk/no wave scene, and an afternoon with musical works represented in the collection will link the visual with the acoustic and allow visitors to experience the Hamburger Bahnhof as a multi-layered soundscape.

Lydia Lunch

In Marianna Simnett's solo exhibition WINNER at the Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart, the most passionate moments of football are restaged and radically transformed through the element of dance. A choir of baby ultra fans monitors the action and sounds out from the stands. The choir is interpreted vocally by the icon of the punk/postpunk/no wave scene Lydia Lunch. Lydia Lunch performs live at Hamburger Bahnhof for Berlin Art Week 2024.

With support of Hamburger Bahnhof International Companions e.V.


More Dates at Hamburger Bahnhof—Museum für Gegenwart—Berlin