oder die Suche nach dem Danach (or In Search for the Afterwards)

Group show curated by Harald F. Theiss featuring works from the collections of the Art'Us Collectors' Collective

Participating artists: Kader Attia, Viktoria Binschtok, Miriam Cahn, Yvon Chabrowski, Louisa Clement, Niklas Goldbach, Martin Groß, Oska Gutheil, Falk Haberkorn, Nadira Husain, Diango Hernández, Paul Hutchinson, Sven Johne, Esther Kläs, Alexander Klaubert, Yotta Kippe, Simon Lehner, Levan Mindiashvili, Konrad Mühe, Sofie Muller, Henrike Naumann, Murat Önen, Julia Peirone, Timm Rautert, Moritz Riesenbeck, Achim Riethmann, Adrian Sauer, Oskar Schmidt, Wang Shugang, Michael Simpson, Rosemarie Trockel, Angelika J. Trojnarski, Nicole Wendel, Marlon Wobst, Yin Xiuzhen.  

Art as a vision of a collaborative society

Curated by Harald F. Theiss, the exhibition WHERE ARE WE NOW oder die Suche nach dem Danach (or the Search for the Afterwards) offers an artistic-curatorial perspective for a collaborative society. The exhibition of the private and non-profit art collecting platform Art'Us Collectors'Collective is dedicated to the future prospects and ideas of a society in transition. It reflects on the search for authenticity through art and encourages reflection on utopias and concepts. On display are 30 national and international artists from the collections of the Art'Us Collectors' Collective.

The role of art in the contemporary culture: what contribution can it make?

Art has the potential to open and expand thinking spaces by bringing us into contact with the spiritual aspects of being human. Currently, artists are exploring and reflecting in their works the shaped and deformed reality of everyday life, as well as the conditions of a post-change era, also in an activist way.

A particular focus is on conceptual portraiture, which oscillates between lyrical and analytical image-making. This genre of artistic practice serves artists to explore questions of identities while presenting a visual chronicle of human developments. The portrait is invested with a variety of meanings and interpretations and provides a space for the exploration of the individual's relationship to the world.

The exhibition WHERE ARE WE NOW oder die Suche nach dem Danach (or the Search for the Afterwards) invites us to reflect on perspectives and change in societies and to translate the familiar into other visual languages. It provides relevant impulses for a future in which authenticity, utopia and collective visions play an increasingly important role. By stimulating thoughts about the possible and making it possible to experience a universal mood, it contributes to developing a new aesthetic conception of existence in search of the afterwards.

During BERLIN ART WEEK, the collectors' collective shows its annual exhibition on a socially relevant theme. The association of four dedicated private collections of contemporary art aims to make its own collections available to curators and accessible to a broad public through exhibitions. This non-profit approach is very important to the four collections from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Munich and Stuttgart. Sharing art, communicating art, lending art - and thus supporting exhibitions and artists - is at the heart of all the players' concerns, while they prefer to see themselves personally in the background.

Duration: {{fromTo}}


Wilhelm Hallen—Hallen #3 Termine