Talk: Clash of Collectors

The pandemic has shown us new lifestyles and accelerated upheavals in all areas of society and also in the art world. We have seen what is suddenly possible when external circumstances force us to do so? A return to this ›old normal‹ now seems to be no longer practicable for the majority of people, or at least to be questioned. Now it is up to all of us to answer the question of how we want to shape our future. Why not come up with ›wild‹ visions so that we can even imagine this future more vividly? ›Good To Talk 2021‹: ›Wild Visions‹ tries to bring together as many different people as possible, not only from the classic art world, but from a wide variety of disciplines in order to discuss these and other important questions of our time. Time is running out: It’s Good To Talk!

(Text—Gilles Neiens)

12 SEP, 34pm

There are the introverted and the extroverted collectors, the experienced ones and the newbies. But who is actually the better collector? Let’s see what happens when different collectors’ views collide.

Tessa Niemann
Florian Peters-Messer
Philipp Solf
Benjamin Bross

Moderation: Johanna Neuschäffer
Kopenhagener Str. 6072, 13407 Berlin