Declaration on Digital Accessibility

Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH | Berlin Art Week strives to make its websites and mobile applications accessible. This declaration on digital accessibility is required under the Berlin Act on Accessible Information and Communication Technology (BIKTG Bln). The technical requirements for accessibility are based on BITV 2.0.
This declaration on digital accessibility applies to the website


I. Preparation of this declaration on accessibility

This declaration was updated on 30.05.2024.
The statements in this declaration were last reviewed on 06.05.2024.
The technical review of accessibility was conducted by the public entity mentioned above through a self-assessment.


II. How accessible is the service?

This website is partially accessible. It only partially meets the requirements of BITV 2.0.


III. Which areas are not accessible?

The following areas are not accessible for the reasons listed below:


1. Incompatibility with BITV 2.0

Timeline and measures: The following barriers are to be fully addressed in the future. All future expansions of our web offerings will be planned to consider accessibility from the outset. By providing further training for our employees and establishing new processes, we aim to ensure compliance with all accessibility standards in the future.

Barrier: Missing or incorrect formatting of headings, lists and quotes
Subsection: Adaptable ( HTML structural elements for headings, HTML structural elements for lists, HTML structural elements for quotes)
Description: On some subpages, the hierarchical order of headings is not maintained. In some cases, list formatting is not displayed correctly. Quotes are sometimes not properly identified as such in the source code.
Accessible alternatives: Currently, no alternative is available. Editorial efforts are ongoing to improve this.

Barrier: Videos containing spoken information lack subtitles
Subsection: Time-based media ( Recorded videos with subtitles)
Description: The journal entries for 2020 and 2021 include video recordings of the “Good To Talk” series that lack subtitles, making them inaccessible without audio.
Accessible alternatives: The 2021 video recordings are available on the website as YouTube videos with automatic subtitles.

Barrier: Limited usability of the website without colours
Subsection: Distinguishable ( Usable without colour)
Description: In rare cases, the contrast between background and text colours may not meet the required standards.
Accessible alternatives: Users may adjust their browser settings for colour display. If you encounter any barriers related to low contrast on our website, please contact us. Comments can be sent to [email protected].

Barrier: Moving elements and animations cannot be paused
Subsection: Enough time ( Pausable moving content)
Description: Animations and moving elements on the homepage, journal subpages and the “About Us” page are not limited to 5 seconds or pausable.
Accessible alternatives: We ask users to adjust their operating system settings to reduce animations where possible. If you encounter any barriers beyond those described here, please contact us. Comments can be sent to [email protected].

Barrier: Link targets are difficult to understand without visual information
Subsection: Navigable ( Descriptive link texts)
Description: Links in body text (e.g. “read more”, “here”) are occasionally used without providing sufficient context for users without visual cues.
Accessible alternatives: Currently, no alternative is available. Editorial efforts are ongoing to improve this.


2. Disproportionate burden

Certain sections are not accessible because ensuring accessibility would impose a disproportionate burden on the provider (BIKTG Bln section 4(3))

Barrier: A large number of images lack alternative text
Subsection: Text alternatives ( Alternative texts for graphics and objects)
Description: Many images are provided without or with insufficient alternative text. This mainly affects graphics and images from events and locations, which are predominantly provided by external sources.
Reason for disproportionate burden: Event and location images are independently uploaded by partners to a database, which outputs content via an interface to the website A detailed editorial review of this extensive data by the website’s editorial team is not feasible and therefore constitutes a disproportionate burden. The editorial team advises users uploading images of the need to provide alternative texts for graphics and objects.
Accessible alternatives: For specific information about a project, event or person, please contact us by calling +49 30 24749 – 700 or emailing [email protected].


3. Exempt content

Content that does not fall within the scope of the Berlin Accessible ICT Act and therefore does not need to be accessible (as per BIKTG Bln section 4(4))

Content: Use of online and map services
Description: Online map services (Leaflet Open Street Map) are embedded in the website but are not fully optimised for screen readers or keyboard navigation. These map services are used on the pages Locations (, Routes (, Guided Tours ( and Programme Details (
Barrier-free alternative: Text-based information about travel or event attendance is provided on all these pages, ensuring the essential navigation information is presented in an accessible manner.


IV. Feedback mechanism / reporting barriers

Do you want information on implementing accessibility or to report existing barriers? Are you unable to adequately perceive, operate or understand something on our website? Do you need information in an accessible format? Please let us know.

Contact person for the public entity:
Clemens Poser
Department of Organisational Development
Email: [email protected]


V. Contact the Commissioner for Digital Accessibility (enforcement procedure)

If your contact with the public entity is unsuccessful, if you do not receive a response within one month or if the response is insufficient, you can contact the Commissioner for Digital Accessibility to initiate an enforcement procedure.

Please always contact the relevant public entity first!

Link to contact form:

Further information about the Commissioner for Digital Accessibility: