
© Carolin Weinkopf

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Communications Management
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Press images

llustrations provided are intended for press use only for current reporting on Berlin Art Week and not for commercial purposes. They cannot be sent to third parties. The photographs can only be modified, cut, or printed on with permission. In case of publication, the correct credits and captions must always be provided along with the names of the respective artists, photographers, and exhibitions. Please note that some of the artists are represented by VG Wort. We would appreciate a copy of the publication.


Candida Höfer, Komische Oper Berlin V 2022, C-print, 184x144cm (framed).
Mariechen Danz, Digestive System 3d (fossilizing / extinct horn), 2019.
Annette Hauschild, Verhüllter Reichstag, letzte Nacht, 1995.
Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, THE SOUL STATION, 2024. Installationsansicht der Halle am Berghain, Berlin. Von LAS Art Foundation in Auftrag gegeben. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Künstlerin; LAS Art Foundation. Foto: Alwin Lay
Maix Mayer,
Claude Cahun, I am in training don't kiss me,1927.
Kerstin Brätsch, Fossil Psychic for Christa (Stucco Marmo) (Detail), 2019. Foto: Daniele Molajoli
A Sunday Afternoon_Constanza Macras Dorkypark_Visitors Unplug Excerpts.
Gisèle Vienne, "L’Etang", 2020. Photo: Estelle Hanania
Sara Ouhaddou, Al Kalima, Bleiglas, 2022.
Nina E. Schönefeld, RIDE OR DIE, 2024, Videostill.
Magdalena Ciemierkiewicz / Ghost-Forms / 2024 / video still.
Performance "SOIL" von Sarah Aviaja Hammeken. Im Rahmen der Ausstellung Pia Arke, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin 2024. Foto Ena Kurtagic Granulo
Vanessa Amoah Opoku, Orangerie der Fürsorge
Rohini Devasher, One Hundred Thousand Suns (Video still), 2023
Rirkrit Triavanija, Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbors, 2011
Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld, Labor Lab/ morning-after pill, Ulipristal acetat auf belichtetem Fotonegativ, vergrößert als C-Print, 2024.
Marlene Bart, Ordnungswut
Ewa Dziarnowska. Copyright: Mayra Wallraff
Mossy2 by Paula Blaser @bireweich. C Livia Rita
Cornelia Schleime, Ein Sommer, der mir aus der Hand fällt, 2021, Malerei über Fine Art Pigment Print auf Hahnemühle Ultra Rag Papier, 70 x 50 cm, Stiftung Kunstforum Berliner Volksbank K 1525.
Tracey Snelling, Shanghai/Chongqing Hot Pot/Mixtape, 2019, Mixed media installation with video, room size, courtesy of the artist and Studio la Città, Verona
Samuel Fosso, Self-portrait from the series "70’s Lifestyle", 1975-1978, Collection Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, Gift of the artist in 2023. © Samuel Fosso, courtesy Samuel Fosso & JM Patras, Paris