Neue Nationalgalerie, Photo: Saskia Wolf

Guided Tour
Around the Festival Centre

14—17 SEP / 3—4.30pm (German)
14—17 SEP / 5—6.30pm (English)

This year’s festival meeting place, the BAW Garden, will be hosted by the Neue Nationalgalerie. The tour begins at the Isa Genzken exhibition before moving on to several galleries and concluding at the CCA Berlin on Kurfürstenstraße, where Brazilian artist Jota Mombaça has a solo exhibition.

Stops (Due to different opening hours, the stops vary from day to day.): BAW Garten / Neue Nationalgalerie—Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße—Galerie Judin—Galerie Schiefe Zähne—Galerie Molitor—CCA Berlin

Guided by: Lotta Feibicke

Unfortunately, the tour is not barrier-free.