Gropius Bau, Play Day. Foto: Guannan Li

Curated Route
On Tour with Kids

4 Stops

Discover contemporary art together with children and explore new locations: here are some of the family-friendly museums and institutions that you can visit during Berlin Art Week.

›BauBau‹, the play space created by the artist Kerstin Brätsch for Gropius Bau and BAW Garten, offers room for play, fun, and adventure, inviting children of all ages to explore structures, objects, and materials on their own. Adults can only be present if accompanied by a child.

Like last year, Spore Initiative will be offering free access to all, inviting visitors as part of BAW Featured Section to immerse themselves in the current exhibitions around the subjects of water, the forest, and resources with performances, tours, and panel discussions.

Or visit SHaus der Kulturen der Welt on the weekend: an attractive spot not just due to its location on the Spree in the middle of Berlin’s Tiergarten, but also parallel to the opening of the group show ›Forgive Us Our Trespasses‹ offers child care during your visit to the show (with prior registration) or formats like the kids’ disco.

Those who would like to be creative with their children should visit the space Ephra, designed especially for children. Here at Köpihaus, you can find a wide programme of various workshops, a creative lab, and interactive stations. All the stations offer something for young and old: we hope you enjoy the discoveries you make!


Information on the accessibility of the respective institutions can be found under Locations.

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