good to talk good to talk Music: HAUNT SESSIONS: Zé Leônidas 13.09.2021 good to talk Talk: Nachhaltigkeit in der Kunstwelt—(un-)lösbare Herausforderungen ? 13.09.2021 good to talk Exhibtions 13.09.2021 good to talk Talk: Art, labour & representation—addressing inequality in the arts 13.09.2021 good to talk Performance: CCCCCOMA COUPLES #1 SPATZI SPEZIAL: ATTEMPT AT A SHAMELESS LOVE 13.09.2021 good to talk Guided Tour: Traces London-Berlin 13.09.2021 good to talk Talk: Ask me anything 13.09.2021 good to talk Online-Workshop: Heute für Morgen auf den Punkt gebracht. Kompaktes Wissen über Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement im Kultursektor 13.09.2021