Marie and Cavok by CMMC 

›Marie and Cavok‹ by CMMC 

Video by CMMC
Voice by Céline Mathieu
Text by Levi Lanser
Filmed at the Church of Sint-Rita in Harelbeke Belgium
Cinematography by Bas Blaasse
Originally commissioned by HART magazine

CMMC (Céline Mathieu and Myrthe van der Mark) performs self-invented cognitive constructions, always with a latent sense of humor. Their intensity is translated in very long performances (up to twelve hours), that have evolved over the seven years of their existence from working on quickly alternating emotions, text recitation and lengthly synchronized movements, to more stylized conceptual responses to the invitations they receive. The pieces often bring about an almost trance-like state in the performers.

CMMC performed in galleries and at art fairs internationally in Hamburg (P/ART), Manchester (Manchester Contemporary, Performance Program), Rotterdam (Wo Meine Sonne Scheint) and in Antwerp (M HKA, Trampoline gallery), Leuven (Museum M, Ithaka), Ghent (Kunstencentrum Vooruit, KIOSK), and Brussels (Poppositions).

More information here

ABA x Playlist Berlin Art Week

For the Berlin Art Week a special program composed by Aleksander Komarov, Julia Herfurth, Susanne Kriemann

Invited guests: Ambasada Kultury (BY), Alfatih (CH), CMMC (BE/NL), Magali Dougoud (CH), Elena Francalanci (IT), Zhanna Gladko (BY), Vanessà Heer (CH), Aleksander Komarov (BY/DE), Rhona Mühlebach (CH/UK), Marina Naprushkina (BY/DE), Stéphanie Rosianu (CH), Sergey Shabohin (BY), Soundtrackcity (NL)


15 Sep, 15 Uhr / 3pm
Location: 200m vom Haus der Statistik, Otto-Braun-Straße 72, 10178 Berlin: 52°31’20″N 13°25’13″E