Easy Language

Here you will find information in Easy Language
about Berlin Art Week
and about the website berlinartweek.de/en.
The information in Easy Language has 4 parts:

1. About Berlin Art Week
2. About the website
3. Tips for use
4. Declaration on accessibility

The text in Easy Language is from capito.
3 people with learning difficulties
have checked the text for comprehensibility.


1. About Berlin Art Week

Berlin Art Week is an art festival.
It takes place every year in autumn.
The first Berlin Art Week was in 2012.
Every year it offers 5 days of exciting events
for art lovers and experts.
The festival includes different events:

  • openings to exhibitions,
  • artistic performances,
  • discussion rounds,
  • courses to participate in,
  • art tours and city tours,
  • award ceremonies.

People can visit many events
for free and without registration.
This also applies to the BAW Garten.
“Garten” is the German word for “garden”.
BAW Garten is the main meeting point of Berlin Art Week.
Every year, it is in a different location outdoors.
There, visitors can find information
about the programme and exchange ideas.
Berlin Art Week is a project
of “Kultur-Projekte Berlin”.
That is German for “Culture Projects Berlin”.
Every year Berlin Art Week
has a diverse festival programme.
Over 100 partners participate in the festival.
The partners include museums,
galleries, and private collections.


2. About the website

The date of the current Berlin Art Week
is always at the top left of the website.
If you click on the date,
it will take you back to the homepage.
You will then leave the information in Easy Language.

At the top right, there is this button:

There, you will find different headlines
in small, medium, and large font.
The number of headlines is not always the same.

The following headlines in the main menu
are always in small font:

  • EN
    This area is underlined and means:
    You are reading the website in English.
  • DE
    Here you can change the language of the website
    from English to German.
  • Easy Language
    This is for the section in Easy Language.
    You are currently reading here.
  • Sign Language
    There you will find videos in International Sign Language
    about Berlin Art Week.
  • Newsletter
    Here you can register for the newsletter.
    You can get more information in 3. Tips for use.
  • Instagram | X | Facebook | TikTok | LinkedIn
    There you will find the different social media pages
    of Berlin Art Week on Instagram, X (formerly Twitter),
    Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn.
    LinkedIn is a social network for professional contacts.
    Each page opens in a new browser tab.

The following headlines are always part of the main menu.
They are in medium or large font:

    The Journal is like a digital magazine.
    During Berlin Art Week
    the Journal provides interesting information.
    For example, about the artists.
    Here you will find information
    about Berlin Art Week in general,
    currently and in the past.
    There, organisations can find out
    how they can be part of Berlin Art Week.
    There you will find all the partners of Berlin Art Week.
    For example, organisations we work with,
    sponsors and media.
    Here, people from the media can find
    press images and contact details of our press office.
    There you will find the address and e-mail address
    for contacting Berlin Art Week.

Sometimes the following headlines
are also in the main menu.
They are in medium or large font:

    In the programme, you will find all the events
    of the current Berlin Art Week.
    You can search and filter the programme.
    For more information go to 3. Tips for use.
    There you will find a map of Berlin
    and a list of all event locations.
    You can search and filter the locations.
    For more information go to 3. Tips for use.
    Here you will find information and tips
    for visiting the current Berlin Art Week.
    For example, on tickets, opening times
    and accessibility for people with disabilities.
  • JOBS
    There you will find current job offers at Berlin Art Week.
    Here you will find information
    about the current Berlin Art Week Garten,
    the programme there and the partners.
    There you will find tips for routes
    through different neighbourhoods in Berlin.
    You can discover the routes on your own
    on foot or by bike.
    Here you will find the current guided tours.
    Experts guide these tours on foot or by bike.
    It costs 10 euros to take part.

On the homepage, you will find
current information about Berlin Art Week,
texts from the Journal, and quick access
to the different parts of the website.
There is always a coloured box
at the bottom of the website.
There are links to the newsletter
and to social media pages.
Below that are the logos of the sponsors.
These topics are at the bottom of the box:

  • Imprint
    It states who is responsible for the website.
    That is Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH.
  • Accessibility
    This page has information about the accessibility
    and usability of this website.
    For more information go to 4. Declaration on accessibility.
  • Sitemap
    There you will find an overview
    of all areas of the website.
  • Data protection statement
    The website collects some data,
    for example, from your Internet browser.
    Here you can find out how your data is used.
  • Netiquette
    Here you will find rules for respectful behaviour
    on the social media pages of Berlin Art Week.


2. Tips for use

Back-to-top button

Whenever you see this arrow button,
you can jump back to the top of the page.
To do this, click on the arrow button
at the bottom right.

Search and filter events

In the “Programme” section you will find all events
of the current Berlin Art Week.
The events are sorted by the day on which they take place.
Click on an event to get more information.
You can filter and search the festival programme:


Click on the slider on the left to see all filter options.
You can select as many filters as you want.
Then click on “Filter”.
You see all the filters you selected in colour.
If you click on it, you delete the filter.
You can also search the programme for specific words.
Click on the magnifying glass
on the right side of the slider.
Write the words you want to search
in the field that appears.
Then click on “Search”.
To the right of the magnifying glass
are some quick filters.
For example: “Day”, “District” or “For free”.
Click on them to select the filter.

Add favourites

In the “Programme” overview
you can add events to your favourites.
Your favourites are a personal list of events
you are interested in.
Do you want to add an event?
Click on this symbol
at the top right of the event image:

Are you already on the event page?
Then click on this button on the right
under the event image:

Your favourites are always highlighted in colour.
You can remove a favourite by clicking on it.
You can find all your favourites in the menu.
To do this, click on this button:

Search and filter locations

In the “Locations” section you will find a map of Berlin
and a list of all event locations.
The locations are sorted by name.
Click on a location to find out more.

You can filter and search the locations.

Click on the slider on the left to see all filter functions.
You can select as many filters as you want.
Then click on “Filter”.
You see all the filters you selected in colour.
If you click on it, you delete the filter.

You can also search for a location.
Click on the magnifying glass
on the right side of the slider.
Write the words you want to search
in the field that appears.
Then click on “Search”.

To the right of the magnifying glass
are the quick filters “District” and “Nearby”.
Click on them to select the filter.

Sign up for the newsletter

The newsletter has interesting information
and news about Berlin Art Week.
You can get it by e-mail
if you register in the “Newsletter” section.

This is what it looks like:

First, enter your e-mail address.
Then click on “Subscribe”
or press “Enter” on your keyboard.
You will then receive an e-mail with a confirmation link.
Click on the confirmation link in the e-mail.


4. Declaration on accessibility

This declaration is from 30.05.2024
and applies to the website berlinartweek.de.

As many people as possible
should be able to use the website.
Therefore, the website was programmed
and designed according to the rules for accessibility.

These laws contain the accessibility rules:

  • Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV)
  • Accessible ICT Act Berlin (BIKTG Bln)

Do you have problems using this website?
Then please report these problems by e-mail to:
[email protected].

Issue a complaint

You reported your problems with the website
and are not happy with the response?
Then you can complain to
the Berlin State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility.

Some institutions in Berlin get money from the state.
The state commissioner checks:
Are their websites and mobile applications
sufficiently accessible?

You can find more information
on the state commissioner’s website
The website is only available in German.